Grid Measurement
& Analysis
We provide professional and high-quality solutions to problems and tasks that can be encountered in power engineering area.
200 +
Completed projects
Innovative projects
10 +
Years of experience
Virtual Employee for your Digital Protection Relaying (DPR)
Virtual Employee for your Digital Protection Relaying (DPR) offers a way effective solution for the protection of the constantly increasing complex power transmission/distribution systems. Gridman as an expert in this field brings their own professionals for an...
Virtual Employee as a new normal in Energy Industry
The recent months have drastically changed the way companies across all sectors, including energy sector, work. The way we worked has changed, too, as we were forced to adapt to the unexpected. The COVID-19 pandemic, the changing geopolitical situation and the looming...
Virtual Employee for your Digital Protection Relaying (DPR)
Virtual Employee for your Digital Protection Relaying (DPR) offers a way effective solution for the protection of the constantly increasing complex power transmission/distribution systems. Gridman as an expert in this field brings their own professionals for an...
Virtual Employee as a new normal in Energy Industry
The recent months have drastically changed the way companies across all sectors, including energy sector, work. The way we worked has changed, too, as we were forced to adapt to the unexpected. The COVID-19 pandemic, the changing geopolitical situation and the looming...
About Us
We provide professional and high-quality solutions to problems and tasks that can be encountered in power engineering area.
Gridman s.r.o. offers engineering, consulting and analytics in electric power engineering. In our work we use the latest methods, algorithms, models and combine it with rich practical experience.
Expertise position
Our company emphatically cares about constantly educating and increasing qualifications of our employees via various trainings, seminars and scientific conferences.
Our team of elite specialists, besides solving practical tasks, also develops innovative products such as our startup Smart@MAintenance a Startup with IBM.
In our work we actively cooperate with our partners in order to deliver high quality service to the end customers and to ensure their satisfaction.

The services we provide within our specialization
Power system analysis & studies
We offer highly professional calculations and analyzes of power system operations, calculations of short-circuit conditions, verification of electricity quality.
Power system design
Gridman engineers has the engineering and design expertise required to complete the most challenging projects in a safe and cost effective manner.
Data analytics
Gridman offers unique services in this fundamental part of modern data processing.
Power system protection
Gridman is especially known for an unrivalled quality on field of power system protection. Our power system protection engineers are internationally experienced.
Electrical system maintenance
Gridman offers a comprehensive service where you can choose from the following modules.
Our experience
We have a number of successful projects,
startups and collaborations behind us
Did we interest you?
Contact us
Our projects are all over the world

Gridman s.r.o
UVP Technicom TUKE
Nemcovej 5
042 00 Košice
tel.č.: 0902 243 652